2015 Pokemon World Championships Day 2 Players Decided
The first day of competition of the 2015 Pokemon World Championships is over, and we’re moving on to the main chunk of the tournament! These players will be joining those who already qualified for the second day by being the top players in their region.
Masters Division
- [US] James Baek (Jamesspeed1)
- [US] Alejando Jimenez (Legacy)
- [US] Colten Lybbert (Rookie Slayer MLG)
- [US] Paul Chua (pwny person)
- [US] Riley Factura (GENGARboi)
- [IT] Tirso Buttafuoco
- [JP] Hayato Takahashi
- [JP] Ryo Tanaka
- [US] Len Deuel (Alaka)
- [JP] Yuyu Tada
- [IT] Alberto Gini (BraindeadPrimeape)
- [IT] Aniello Luliano
- [MX] Genaro Vallejo
- [JP] Shun Fujimoto
- [JP] Ryosuke Kondo
- [GB] Jeremy Mantingh
- [ES] Alejandro Gomez (Pokealex)
- [SG] Wai Yin Low
- [GB] Jamie Boyt
- [US] Nikolai Zielinski (Nikolai)
- [SG] Zulherryka Yusof
- [DE] Christian Cheynubrata
- [CL] Omar Acuna
- [US] Alberto Lara (Sweeper)
- [US] Andrew Burley (Andykins)
- [US] Gavin Michaels (kingofmars)
- [JP] Yuichi Sasaki
- [JP] Daichi Kumabe
- [KR] Youm Jung Hun (AngDe)
- [DE] Till Bohmer
- [JP] Kotaro Nakagome
- [RU] Nikolay Kucherenko
- [PE] Henry Laura
- [JP] Akifumi Yoshihara
- [JP] Yosuke Isagi
- [GB] Barry Anderson (Baz Anderson)
- [US] Alec Rubin (amr97)
- [JP] Koko Sakurari
- [DE] Eloy Hahn (Dragoran5)
Senior Division
- [US] Aaron Nolan
- [AU] Adam Sciclluna
- [US] Beau Berg
- [US] Brady Smith
- [US] Brandon Tuchtenhagen
- [US] Brendan Zheng
- [US] Caden Kamp
- [US] Caleb Cramer
- [PE] Carlos Lozano
- [SG] Chelsea Tan
- [US] Christopher Alspaugh
- [US] Dale Causey
- [US] Devin Winter
- [US] Emilio Forbes
- [PE] Ernesto Serpa
- [HK] Esmond Leung
- [IT] Gabrielle Elia
- [US] George Langford
- [US] George Tifverman
- [US] Henry Maxon
- [US] Jacob Waller
- [US] Joseph Nunziata
- [GB] Joseph Richardson
- [US] Keegan Meyer
- [US] Max Simon
- [US] Michael Spinetta-McCarthy
- [CA] PJ Bradley
- [PE] Regis Junior Milian Montoya
- [US] Stephen Mea
- [US] Timothy Flanagan
- [US] Zachary Boyd
Junior Division
- [US] Jacqueline Causey
- [US] Daniel Meadway
- [US] Sebastian Cortecero
- [JP] Shuhei Tsukano
- [US] Beatrix Monroe
- [US] Emma Cox
- [US] Ian Terriberry
- [JP] Tomoya Miyashita
- [US] Gwen Edgar
- [US] Harrison Reineke
- [US] Enzo Reci
- [US] Jessica Alspaugh
- [US] Calum Bruce
- [US] Jacob Mowery
- [SG] Corey Yuan
- [US] Adyson Meyer
- [AR] Ignacio Del Compare
25 Responses to 2015 Pokemon World Championships Day 2 Players Decided
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I’m excited and surprised to see all the diversity when it comes to countries of origin. Rooting for Team USA and hoping the Russian guy will be able to represent his country’s scene!
Wait, are there really 11 Japanese Masters who made Day 2? I didn’t even know there were that many in Day 1. o.O
I see several of my friends that made it, but it is crazy that so many more didn’t. Either way, good luck to everyone on day 2!
Yuya Tada is @YTTPSR (Creator of Kalos Double Perish Rain)
Yosuke Isagi is @tonykuso69 (Japan Nats Champion 2014)
Yuichi Sasaki is @yuuichi-u1 (16th at worlds last year, qualified through LCQ)
Ryosuke Kondo is @ryokonVGC
Shun Fujimoto is @Shinon64 or @JimonwithTogekiss
Daichi Kumabe is Scar
Hayato Takahashi is @hayatostar1025
GG, Pai Braz
Also videos from the niconico stream are here http://esports-runner.com/%e3%83%9d%e3%82%b1%e3%83%a2%e3%83%b3%e5%af%be%e6%88%a6-%e3%83%80%e3%83%96%e3%83%ab%e3%83%90%e3%83%88%e3%83%ab/%e3%83%9d%e3%82%b1%e3%83%a2%e3%83%b3%e3%83%af%e3%83%bc%e3%83%ab%e3%83%89%e3%83%81%e3%83%a3%e3%83%b3%e3%83%94%e3%82%aa%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b7%e3%83%83%e3%83%97%e3%82%b92015%e9%80%9f%e5%a0%b1/(featuresmainly Japanese players)
Bring it on #GBVGC!
Btw, since there were so few juniors and seniors, they made a few changes. For seniors, they did 4 rounds, and had people drop after 2 wins, to boostnumbers. That is presumably why they are listed in alphabetical order (first name), since they didn’t really have standings.
Juniors only had 17, so they let everyone go through, but gave a bonus prize to the top 4 to make it mean something. (I don’t know what, since my daughter didn’t get top 4).
Yes! Baz,Paul,and James Baek,all made it! Those are some of my favorite players!
Thanks for the info!
Very proud for Omar Acuña, the chilean player that has one of the most amazing classification histories of the current worlds (he travel all the way from Santiago of Chile to Lima Perú by hitchhike for the two regionals over there and then make it to 3rd place on the Chile Regional getting the invitation to worlds)
I’m betting for him as the underdog of day two!
Where’s the source for this information? I can’t find the last two VGC rounds’ standings on the official Pokémon website.
hey shun’s twitter is Jimon_Togekiss, dunno if you were referring to hatena names or twitter handles though
Yeah I was referring to the latter, thanks!
My name is Aniello Iuliano, not Luliano
The Singaporean Junior’s name is actually Corey Yuen afaik, but I expect you guys have more important things to do than to fix typos. Thanks for the info, really cut a lot of suspense out of trying to find who made Day 2 lol
Really pleasantly surprised about Singapore’s representation though. Amazing to consider how we went from LCQ runs to 5 players across all 3 divisions. Good luck to everyone in Day 2!
Oh yeah, Eloy from germany made it to day 2! GO eloy ! Go Eloy!
Japan’s smeargle made it WOOT!!!
Amazed that after a relatively poor season Team UK manage to all go X-3 or better in the first day. Really looking forward to seeing how they do today, and if any players will get featured on the stream. The stream matches, although lacking variety in players, were entertaining to watch and had a high level of play. Bring on day 2!
Rooting for Rookie Slayer MLG, Alaka, and kingofmars, best of luck in Day 2.
I didn’t see Cybertron there. Where is he?
The list is of people who qualified THROUGH Day 1 for Day 2. Aaron is already in Day 2.
Oh, good. I don’t quite know how this works so I got a little worried.
◾[US] Brandon Tuchtenhagen
Aka Blueshark11 has this in the bag 🙂
Baz Anderson for world champion 2015!
the american synasty is up to you jake/pokebeys
but rooting for mark because the money will help fund his nyu mixtape