
Published on June 17th, 2015 | by Firestorm


Results from the 2015 Australia, Italy, South Africa, and Japan National Championships

The last two weeks have been very eventful with the Australian, Italian, South Africa, and Japanese National Championships happening over the course of ten days! With that, only two National Championships are left in the 2015 Video Game Championship circuit: Singapore on the final weekend of June and the United States in the first weekend of July. Congratulations to all our new National Champions!


Masters Division

  1. Matthew Roe
  2. Theron Ho
  3. Jackson Lackey (FamousDeaf)
  4. Lionel Pryce (CatGonk)
  5. Brendan Webb (FloristtheBudew)
  6. Sean Ronzani
  7. Ty Power
  8. Philip Nguyen (Boomguy)
  9. Nicholas Bingham
  10. Saamid Zikria
  11. Matthew Jiwa
  12. Mustafaa Olomi
  13. Alexander Poole
  14. Christopher Kan
  15. Eugene Tan
  16. Callum Witt


Masters Division

  1. Viera
  2. Moriyama
  3. Barudoru
  4. BIDC
  5. Federica
  6. Penguin
  7. Nepinepi
  8. Sharon

South Africa

Masters Division

  1. Johannes Botma
  2. Kevin Lopes
  3. Yazied Adams
  4. Navishkar Deodatu
  5. Michael O’Kennedy
  6. Doran Crasson
  7. Clive Lai
  8. Dale Schwikkard


Masters Division

  1. Francesco Pardini (Alexis)
  2. Dominic Scheffler
  3. Miguel Marti Della Torre (Sekiam)
  4. Raphael Paul
  5. Florian Wurdack (DaFlo)
  6. Marcel Kapelle (Massi)
  7. Michelangelo Baudanza
  8. Riccardo Rispoli
  9. Eloy Hahn (Dragoran)
  10. Giulia Sogaro
  11. Akcos Amilcon (Billabro)
  12. Amin Salzer (Lorenzo)
  13. Carlos Rodriguez (BrintMea)
  14. Matthias Helmoldt (Tyvyr)
  15. Peer Broxtermann (Bjart)
  16. Christian Dennis Chejnubrata
  17. Victor Gardet
  18. Len Deuel (Alaka)
  19. Ugur Tatli
  20. Matthias Suchodolski (Lega)
  21. Akira Petrolini
  22. Gianalfredo Giusiano
  23. Huib Buijssen (Lolnub)
  24. Thomas Schadinger
  25. Aniello Iuliano
  26. Javier Berdun (Berdunsito)
  27. Ylenia Locatelli
  28. Till Lucas Bohmer (Dark Psiana)
  29. Eugenio Discalzi
  30. Lorenzo Galassi
  31. Gabriele Cinquepalmi
  32. Felix Roessler (fxelxy)
  33. Adrian Baumann
  34. Rina Purdy
  35. Joan Bennasar Bonnin (Supernova)
  36. Lee Provost (Osirus)
  37. David Hernandez (Blumer)
  38. Giovanni Milani
  39. Federico Superti

Thank you to those who helped put this data together including Victiny, Conan, DalesHand, and carfer97yt.

About the Author

is one of the co-founders of Nugget Bridge and the Community Manager for eSports Tournament Platform Battlefy. He has been playing Pokémon since 1999, competitively since 2007, and attending tournaments since 2010. He lives in Vancouver, Canada with a degree in Interactive Art & Technology + Communications. You can follow him on Twitter at @rushanshekar.

19 Responses to Results from the 2015 Australia, Italy, South Africa, and Japan National Championships

  1. Aurorusite says:

    Can i ask, why is this in Trading & Breeding section?

  2. Wyrms Eye says:

    Can i ask, why is this in Trading & Breeding section?

    Sorted now, just something that happens.

  3. IP Ender says:

    I’m Michelangelo, 7th in Italy, and this is my username on the forum. anyway, Amin’s Surname is Sulzer, not Salzer 😀

  4. Scott says:

    Pretty excited about how these tournaments went. Italy, Australia, Japan all sent a bunch of players to Worlds I’m interested to see compete there. Shaping up to be a great event. Congratulations to the players who punched their tickets recently.

  5. RpIndaHouse says:

    I wanted to see the teams as well, is that going to be published? ^^

  6. Skytidus says:

    Im not in the top cut of Italy, im termined 5-4 in the suize, in 4-2 hax attack me vs Athur Oppermant :’c but im very happy, is my first national and my friend Miguel Marti (Sekiam) have a place in the world! #SpainVGC

  7. Lega says:

    only 10 german trips -.-‘

  8. LyraTX says:

    Excuse me, I’d hate to be a bother but my last name has incorrect spelling
    “Crosson” is the Proper spelling. Thanks again.

  9. FamousDeaf says:

    Matthew Roek (RoeySK)
    Theron Ho (BlazingSceptile)
    Ty Power (Sarkastic)
    Nicholas Bingham (Spiritbomber)
    Saamid Zikria (Yourf)
    Matthew Jiwa (JiwaVGC)
    Callum Witt (CruiseVGC)
    I forgot some of them, I will find out them. 

  10. Wow. Number 5 hahah. I got told it was sixth placing. Not complaining then :D

  11. Sarkastik says:

    Sarkastik* haha,
    Aus nats was great, shoutouts to the organizers for managing 9 rounds of Bo3 Swisse so comfortably. Will be interesting to see teams from these events, as Japan and Aus (and from what I’ve seen, Italy too) tend to use some weirder/more creative teams. Hopefully the format progresses from this tbh, because it feels pretty stagnant atm

  12. PaedosInSpeedos says:

    Sean Ronzani should be 5th in the Australian standings since he went 7-1-1 in swisse.

  13. Sekiam says:

    Road to Boston! Really excited about getting my third trip to Worlds! 😀

  14. DalesHand says:

    From South Africa
    1. Johannes – dotNinja
    2. Kevin – LikeableHat
    5. Doran – LyraTX
    8. Dale – DalesHand

  15. GoldenEmp says:

    Are there attendance number available?

  16. Senior14 says:

    I’m Aniello Iuliano, 25th in Italy

  17. Tecnarca says:

    I’m Riccardo Rispoli, 8th at the Italian National

  18. ReaperJoker says:

    I’m Akira Petrolini, 21st at Italian Nationals

  19. I found a vid of the japan nats finals if anybody is interested.

    Just want to note that at 11:24, rotom-w uses snatch to steal suicune’s tailwind. I wonder if it was used due to suicune/calm mind cress/megamence’s popularity.

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