The RNG Dictionary
If you have checked out any of our other guides for RNG abuse, you will notice some confusing terms. Fortunately for you, we’ve collected some of the most important terms here to help you better understand the more technical guides. While this won’t be very technical, it will explain how these terms are used in RNG abuse. Using this along with the more specific RNG guides will have you up and ready to start RNGing your own Pokémon!
RNG Reporter
You’ll see this phrase in just about every one of our guides on RNG abuse. All this refers to is the program that you will be using to help you manipulate the game’s RNG to get that shiny and/or flawless Pokémon you want. You can mouse over some of the columns in RNG Reporter to get a quick explanation of what that column means and what it is used for.
This is another program you’ll need for some kinds of RNG manipulation. All this is is a precise timer that was made specifically for RNG manipulation. You can customize it based on your own needs, which will be explained in the individual guides.
In the picture above there’s a red box. Inside this box is what is referred to as a “seed”. There is a very technical definition of what a seed is, but for our purposes, you don’t need to know anything other than that it’s a hex number that RNG Reporter gives you along with the results (IVs and/or PID) you will get if you “hit” it. It’s a sort of starting point you need to land on in order to advance to the specific point in-game that will get you your desired Pokémon. You’ll be copying and pasting whatever seed you’re looking for a lot so that RNG Reporter can help you get the Pokémon you want. There are several different kinds of seeds, so refer to the specific guides to find the type you need for your RNG project.
PID is another hex number that corresponds with specific results for the Pokémon you will encounter (excluding Stationary Pokémon or Eggs): shinyness (depending on your ID/SID combo), nature, ability, and gender. In the picture above there’s a column in green is the actual PID number, but you don’t need to worry about it because it’s not important to the actual RNG manipulation process. The information that corresponds with these PIDs is in red, which is what is important to you.
Frame, Target Frame, and Advancing the Frame
Frames basically refer to how much manipulation you need to do, in-game, to get to the specific result you desire. In the picture above the frames are inside the red box. The target frame refers to what frame you want to get to so that you’ll get the result for that seed. The highlighted seed in the picture has a target frame of 1, or the first frame after starting the game with no manipulation, so in this case you wouldn’t need to “advance” it at all to get that result. The seed above it has a target frame of 13, so the RNG needs to be advanced by specific procedures (it varies from game to game so refer to the guide for the game you’re RNGing) to get what you want. Each guide will specify how the frame for that RNG is advanced, and if you want to be advancing to that number or to the frame right before (i.e. for the seed with the frame of 13 it will specify whether you want to advance to 12 or 13). In most cases a frame of 1 or a frame that requires only enough advancement to verify that you have “hit” your seed is preferred.
Monster Frame
In other words, monster frame is the starting frame. In most cases RNG Reporter will have this implemented so that you’re always starting at “1”, so that when you talk to the Legendary or whatever you’re RNGing you will get the result on the first frame. If this is not the case, each guide will specify how to find your monster frame.
Delay can be thought of as a time counter that runs 60 times per second, so in other words your objective when “hitting” delays is hitting 1/60th of a second. A delay is assigned to certain kinds of RNG, and the calibration guide will explain the process in “hitting” them, so just know that delay is important and you need to “hit” it to get the Pokémon you want. When people say they’re “hitting” their seed, it usually refers to hitting the Delay or Timer0 along with the actual time the Seed gives you to “hit”.
Timer0 is probably the most used term when talking about 5th Generation RNG. It just refers to one of the hex numbers in your parameters that isn’t always consistent. For Black and White there are two Timer0s you can “hit” so you will occasionally “hit” the less common one for your DS, which tends to be annoying when RNGing. Unfortunately this is largely out of your control, putting the “random” back in RNG.
Calibration a process you will go through in 4th and 5th Generation games before you can begin RNGing. In 4th Generation, it’s used to find the delay you hit the most, also known as “calibrated delay”. In 5th Generation games you will need to calibrate in order to be able to search RNG Reporter for seeds. The specifics on calibration are covered in their own guide.
Methods are how you tell RNG Reporter what kind of RNG manipulation you’re doing. This allows it to give you results for the specific type you’re doing, so when a guide tells you to change methods it refers to the list above.
Parameters are needed for 5th Generation games only, and are a group of hex numbers specific to your game and DS system that RNG Reporter requires along with some other basic information to be able to search seeds. To find your parameters you need to calibrate your 5th Generation game. Parameters are different for each DS and game, which is why you must calibrate them.
Encounter Slots
If you’re RNGing a wild Pokémon, you’ll notice an extra column labeled “Encounter Slots”. Depending on the frame of the seed, there are different numbers from 0-9 in this column. These numbers are assigned to different Pokémon depending on the Route you’re on, so you will need to use the links found in the toolbar dropdown options to find the corresponding encounter slot number for the Pokémon on the Route you plan on RNGing.
NPC is short for Non-Playable Character, and some of these characters will advance your frame if they’re not moving in a fixed pattern. The RNG guides will warn you about NPCs that will advance your frame in the area(s) you’re RNGing in.
Seed Verification
This phrase just means that the process it’s referring to can be used to figure out if you hit your seed. Generally you’ll be using Chatot pitches, Coin Flips, or Calls to figure out if you have or not.
Good Luck!
Now that you understand these basic RNG terms you can now move onto the actual guides and create your own perfect Pokémon for competitive play!