
Published on August 24th, 2012 | by jio


5th Generation Captures: An RNG Guide

With the release of Pokémon Black and White to the world, a new style of RNG was introduced which was significantly different from previous generations. This guide is designed to walk you through the steps of Wild and Stationary captures in Pokémon Black and White. Before you begin, read the 4th and 5th Gen calibration guide and the RNG Dictionary. Once you’ve found your parameters on your RNG reporter you will be ready to RNG Capture!


  • RNG Reporter
  • Pokémon Black or White
  • Your DS’s parameters; see the Calibration Guide for how to find this.
  • Your Trainer ID and Secret ID if you’re attempting shiny captures
  • A Pokémon with the move Sweet Scent
  • A lot of Pokéballs (or whichever Pokéball you want to catch with)
  • A Chatot with Chatter and a custom recording (two makes things go faster)
  • A Pokémon with the ability Synchronize


  • Open your RNG Reporter -> “Time Finder” -> “5th Generation Time Finder”, so that you find yourself in the Capture tab.

  • Set the year to any year that you’d like. Click the Month drop down bar and tick all twelve months to make it that much easier to find a seed (RNG Reporter uses a large amount of memory to run, so if you think your computer can’t handle only choose a few). Set both Min and Max Frames to 1. Finally, set the Method to IVs (Standard Seed).

  • For this step, you’ll need to choose from three of the main ways you will encounter the desired Pokémon, so depending on what you want, click on one of the following:
    • Wild Pokémon: This is for capturing Pokémon in the grass.
    • Wild Pokémon (Surfing): This is for capturing Pokémon on a body of water.
    • Stationary: This is for capturing Pokémon that are standing in one place, such as Kyurem, Volcarona, Terrakion, Cobalion, and Virizion.

  • For Encounter Slot you should refer to the Black and White Encounter Slot table. To find these open RNG Reporter -> “5th Gen Tools” -> “______ Encounter Table”. To obtain a certain Pokémon from a certain Route, Cave, or building you must match it up with the area where you plan to catch it and the Encounter Slot number above it. There are columns of Encounter Slots at the top of the page and areas over to the left, so you should try to line up the Pokémon you are catching with the area and encounter slot. For example, if you wish to catch a Roggenrola in Wellspring Cave, you can choose from Encounter Slots: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Then tick them in the Encounter Slots option in RNG Reporter to obtain a seed for Roggenrola.
  • You can now customize the Pokémon you want by choosing what nature, ability, and gender it should have in the appropriate drop down bars. You can also check “Synchronize Frames Only” to find seeds that associate with the Synchronize Pokémon in your party.
  • You can set the preferred IVs you want on the Pokémon by clicking either =31, =30 or >=30. This is useful for obtaining a certain Hidden Power.
  • Finally, you can check Search for nearby Shiny Frames to find seeds for Shiny Pokémon, but you would need your Secret ID for this.

Getting the Seed

Now that you have chosen the components for the Pokémon you wish to capture it’s time to get the seed to do so.

  • Click Generate and the RNG Reporter will automatically begin searching seeds for you.

  • When you find a seed that you want to use, right-click it and click “Copy Seed to Clipboard”. After you’ve done that go back to the main window in RNG Reporter.

  • Now in the main window go to the top and click the drop down bar next to Method. Click Gen 5 PIDRNG.

  • Set the Encounter Type depending on what you are capturing. If you are using a Pokémon with Synchronize enter the nature into the respective drop down box.

  • Now right-click the box next to Seed (Hex) and paste the seed there.

  • Click “Calculate Initial PID Frame” and you’ll receive a starting frame number above the Seed (Hex) box. It should be noted that if you have a Thundurus or Tornadus roaming in your games you should tick Roamer Released before clicking Calculate Initial PID Frame. If the roamer fainted or if it’s not roaming then leave it unmarked.

  • Now that you’ve found your starting frame, click Generate.
  • A bunch of results should pop up. Go back to the 5th Generation Time Finder box and look at the frame it says you want. This is your target frame. Subtract the number in the Starting Frame box from this target frame. This is how much you will need to advance the frame.

Advancing the Frame

Now that you know your Starting Frame, Target Frame, the time and date on the seed, and how many advancements you need to make it’s time to go into the game and get your Pokémon!

  • Keep the main RNG Reporter Window open and turn on your DS console.
  • Go to the area where you wish to capture the Pokémon and save there. Make sure you have the following before you turn off the game:
    • A Pokémon with Sweet Scent for wild Pokémon.
    • A Pokémon with Synchronize at the front of your party (it doesn’t matter if it fainted).
    • Two Chatots with Chatter. For the best results with Chatot pitches make sure to speak clearly when using Chatter so that you can hear the differences in pitch for each Chatter. This is very important for advancing the frames.
    • A Pokémon to status and weaken the Pokémon you are trying to capture.
  • Remember the time and date that was on the seed and enter them in on your DS.
  • Restart the DS and wait for the time on the DS to match the time on the seed, and hit the A button to go into the Pokémon Black or White game 1 second before the time on the seed. For example, if your seed had the time 11:30:21, set your DS clock to 11:30 and hit the A button when the second hand hits 20 seconds on the clock. If you had any Keypresses for the seed, press those buttons immediately after pressing A. So if your Keypresses were L, Right (on the d-pad), and Start, hit those buttons simultaneously after hitting A to go into the game. Hold these buttons until the GameFreak logo comes up and then proceed to get into the game. If you have no Keypresses then just press A to start the game. Avoid hitting anything else until the GameFreak logo comes up and then proceed to get into the game.
  • Make sure to go into the game with your C-gear turned off or you will have to restart the DS again.

  • Now that you are in the game, open up the Start menu and go to your party. Make sure both Chatots are next to each other and open up the summary of another Pokémon in the party. The way to advance the frames now is to switch back and forth between both Chatots and listen to how high or low the Chatter pitch is. Switching between each Chatot will advance the Frame by one, which means that each time you switch between both Chatots you will be advancing from your Starting Frame to your Target Frame. Make sure that the Chatot pitches match up with the pitches shown on the main window and that you stop one frame before your target frame. For example, if your Target Frame is 85 you should advance up to 84 then stop. If your pitches do not match those that are on the main RNG window then you probably hit the wrong Timer0, so it is time to try again!
  • If the Chatot pitch method does not work for you then you can try saving your game. Every time you save the game it counts as one frame advancement. However this method is unreliable as it take a lot longer and gives NPCs more time to move around and mess up your frame advancements, so it’s usually not recommended.
  • If you’ve followed all the steps correctly, then use Sweet Scent to get the Pokémon or talk to the Stationary Pokémon and catch it.

  • After you’ve captured the Pokémon, go back to the main RNG window and click Pokédex IV Checker, and enter all the info it asks for. If your Pokémon has the right IVs, nature, and ability, then congratulations on a successful RNG Capture! If not, try again!


As mentioned before NPCs can mess up your frame advancements by moving around. It would be a wise idea to RNG in areas that contain little or no moving NPCs. Credits to Madarame from Smogon for the list.

  • Celestial Tower (3F-5F)
  • Challenger’s Cave (1F)
  • Chargestone Cave (B1F)
  • Dragonspiral Tower Entrance (North of Icirrus City, not the area with the bridge)
  • Dragonspiral Tower Interior (1F-2F)
  • Giant Chasm (Outside)
  • Giant Chasm (Outer Cave)
  • Giant Chasm (Inner Cave; including Kyurem’s Cave)
  • Lostlorn Forest
  • Marvelous Bridge
  • Mistralton Cave (2F-Guidance Chamber)
  • P2 Laboratory
  • Relic Castle (1F-B6F)
  • Route 9
  • Route 10 (South of Victory Road; the third area of the Badge Check Gates)
  • Route 17
  • Trial Chamber
  • Twist Mountain (Cave with Exit to Icirrus City)
  • Victory Road (1F1, 1F2, 1F3, 2F2, 5F, 7F)
  • Victory Road (Exterior)
  • Wellspring Cave (1F-B1F)

Of course, if you have any questions visit our RNG Help Thread as a part of the Nugget Bridge forums. We’re always eager to help. Happy RNGing!

About the Author

began his Pokemon career as a singles player but became interested in VGC after seeing his friends compete in 2011. He managed to be able to attend VGC 2012 events by attending Rhode Island and Philadelphia regionals and US nationals. On IRC he's been able to supply RNG'd pokemon and/or EV spreads to help any member of the community to improve their teams. He is also a very huge fan of Blissey despite the hate she receives and considers it his favorite pokemon.

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