
Published on October 7th, 2013 | by Firestorm


Contest: Win a Copy of Pokémon X and Y

On October 12th, 2013, we will enter the sixth generation with the release of Pokémon X and Y. To celebrate we’d like to give away a copy of each game much like we did with the release of Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2. Like last time, we’ll be giving away one copy on our forums and another copy on Facebook and Twitter.

Forum Entry

Either in the thread for this article or in the comments field below, answer this question:

What is your earliest memory of a multiplayer Pokemon battle?

Our comments section and forums are linked so you only need to reply once on either location and it will automatically sync. Only your first post will count though you’re free to reply to other players to discuss your experiences! With Pokémon X and Y, Game Freak is drawing heavily from its rich history so we would love to hear more about yours! One entry will be randomly chosen from the thread and that player will win their choice of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.

Social Media Entry

The other copy of Pokémon X or Y will be given away on Facebook and Twitter. Enter both to increase your chance of winning!


Simply follow @nuggetbridge and retweet the following tweet to be entered into the draw.


Like Nugget Bridge and comment on our post below with an answer to the question: Where do you hope the 2015 Pokémon World Championships will be held?

Contest End

The contest will end at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 13th, 2013 in Pacific Daylight Time. One winner will be chosen randomly from all entries received in the comments thread for this article. Another winner will be chosen randomly from all entries received on either Facebook or Twitter. The winners will be contacted on Monday, October 14th, 2013 with a digital download code for the game.

About the Author

is one of the co-founders of Nugget Bridge and the Community Manager for eSports Tournament Platform Battlefy. He has been playing Pokémon since 1999, competitively since 2007, and attending tournaments since 2010. He lives in Vancouver, Canada with a degree in Interactive Art & Technology + Communications. You can follow him on Twitter at @rushanshekar.

161 Responses to Contest: Win a Copy of Pokémon X and Y

  1. TeeJay says:

    1998 – locker room after gym class vs Kikered. I thought my Venusaur would be awesome. His Alakazam thought otherwise.

  2. darkwings says:

    I don’t remember who it was against, but I had played against my cousin who was visiting from florida on my sapphire vs. his ruby

  3. Firestorm says:

    Well I’m not eligible but just to share, I remember playing my brother using Pokemon Stadium when we were younger. He used Mewtwo on his team and I had Butterfree, Raichu, Dragonite, and the three starters (we’d trade until we could have all of them when we played the games). Somehow the only Pokemon I had that Mewtwo didn’t OHKO was Butterfree… If only Compound Eyes existed back then.

    I also remember my first NetBattle experience. Someone I knew from the Neopets community told me to get on and I played against him with no idea what I was doing. His Electrode and Alakazam promptly destroyed me.

    It wasn’t until the months leading up to Diamond and Pearl that I actually started playing competitively.

  4. iambaney says:

    My friend and I were on beach vacation. But we holed ourselves up inside for the whole week doing Gen 1 battles over link cable. Even before we know anything about competitive battling, Pokemon still took priority over real life.

  5. LudiImpact says:

    I remember playing against my sister in Pokemon Silver and Stadium…

  6. IceKingz says:

    Definitely playing friends in Pokemon Stadium 2. Although I think we played that game primarily for the mini games. Then again, who didn’t?

  7. TalkingLion says:

    August 2004 – Found Pokemon Stadium and a Nintendo 64 at a garage sale with a friend. I remember Machamp making quick work of his team.

  8. projectmars says:

    Against my little brother during the RBY days. He had a level 248 or so Snorlax thanks to the Missingno glitch. Xp

    On a more competitive note, it was the first Wi-Fi tourny for BW that i played in that was my first taste of competition. It was fun

  9. Adib says:

    Pokemon Stadium, year 1999 or 2000. My friend sweeped through my rental Pokemon with his Zapdos transferred from his copy of Red version.

  10. Raen says:

    I don’t remember many specifics, but I do have one particular memory of spending a weekend with a cousin where we played Pokemon Gold and Silver NONSTOP, the whole weekend. We did lots of trading, and some battling as well. Was a good time!

  11. MangoSol says:

    Middle School, playing against my friend who also had emerald version!

  12. Biosci says:

    Earliest memory probably being my older step-brother playing Stadium on his N64 back in 1999 I wanna say, I wanted to play so he fodderized me and my rental Pokemon to shut me up =[

  13. Soon says:

    Had been pretty much playing alone in RBY.
    I skipped GSC that time due to “Pokemon-is-childish-at-middle-school” Syndrome.

    When I moved to GBA, Pokemon Sapphire caught my attention and started playing. At the IT Electronics Game mall, I met my first batch of Pokepals whom we are still in contact now, even though the “Gang” “Team” was disbanded and move-on to our next phrase of life.

    That is when my Advance Link Cable come into heavy use every 2 weeks at the same mall that we met.

    Started playing competition when I got my emerald where I was inspired by high-stats Battle Factory Rental Pokemon.

  14. My story is the most classic of Pokemon multiplayer battles: playing against my big sister while we played through Ruby and Sapphire at the same time. (Me on Ruby, and her on Sapphire.)  As we progressed, we usually challenged each other to battles after we both cleared a particular gym.  What did we use? Why, the starters of course!  The rest of the team was a collection of HM slaves of random levels, although my sister had the edge of training a Swellow a bit more on the side, while her Sceptile always dreaded facing Blaziken.  Eventually, we both got Rayquazas that became semi-HM slaves, but mine always won due to better IVs (although neither of us knew Pokemon had random base stats, causing much chagrin for my sister.)  Lots of sweeping ensued with Outrage.
    Eventually we both reset our games, and I stuck with Blaziken while she switched to Swampert.  It remained a higher level than mine because I was impetuous and avoided trainer battles to an unhealthy degree, but I still usually won xD
    Fun fact:  I always chose the Claw Fossil.

  15. MrEobo says:

    Oops, didn’t see the new question.
    My earliest memory was at my old friend’s house in middle school. We used GBA link cables and destroyed each other with level 100 ubers.

  16. drcossack says:

    That I remember: Either 1999 or 2000, went down to Philadelphia for an RBY event.  Got a downloaded Mew, entered the tournament(s), always playing the level 100 division.  I’d always spend the entire trip prepping my team – vitamins, teaching moves, leveling with Gamesharked Rare Candies, etc.  When that was done, I’d replace the batteries in my GB Color.

  17. TeslaVGC says:

    2005, GBA (Emerald). It was aganist my best friend. I can remember very well my team: Chimecho, Dusclops, Blaziken, Blissey, Milotic, Salamence xP

  18. Emitan says:

    Sadly I never got the chance to play the 1st generation games in multiplayer so my first multiplayer battle was my copy of Silver. I used a Feraligatr with Surf, Cut, Slash, and Waterfall. Obviously the best move pool possible.

  19. TKOWL says:

    2010- back when I got into Pokemon, I faced my friend in SoulSilver, unrestricted levels, with my thought-to-be invincible Lv. 75 Lugia that spammed Extrasensory against his Lv. 100 Dragonite. I lost hard.
    Safe to say, I’ve come a long way since then. 

  20. backlot says:

    My earliest memory was a link battle in R/B with my friend. The only two Pokemon I had used the whole game were my starter, Venusaur, and a Pidgeot I had left in the daycare for most of the game so they were super high level.  My friend had always told me not to use Pidgey because it was weak but he changed his tune after my over-leveled Pidgeot destroyed his team.

  21. atlas says:

    probably back around 2000ish when i stumbled upon the gs bots on irc. reading is annoying.

  22. Roz says:

    I remember when my brother got Pokémon Stadium back in the day. We’d always battle using Rental teams, since we didn’t own Red/Blue. Eventually he grew tired of playing, and I ended up playing alone until Fire Red and Leaf Green came out. I met three guys at school who were Pokémon fans too, so we ended up buying the games and playing 2 on 2 battles all the time. I remember my Mewtwo destroying their Pokémon. Good times.

  23. hakemo says:

    It was in the late 90’s, and my neighbor and I had finally gotten a hold on our respective cartridges. Previously, we had learned about the fabled “Pokemon that evolved through trade”, and decided that no matter what the rest of our team was, we would make sure to each capture one of these Pokemon and trade it to the other. 

    After a few badges, he traded me a Graveler as I sent him a Haunter. The newly-evolved Golem and Gengar (and their “boosted EXP”) each helped us beat our own games, fighting our way to the top of the Pokemon world. 

    Now that we had both become champions, it was time to decide who truly deserved the title- the throne has room for only one, as they say. So we fired up the old link cable, pitting our teams against one another- including, of course, the Golem and Gengar. 

    Sadly, truth is not always as exciting as fiction, and our traded Pokemon never had the chance to fight each other. While I cannot seem to remember who won that match (so it was probably him), I do remember that battle as not only my first multiplayer battle, but also an occasion that eventually led to me realizing the value that Pokemon really have- the friendships that can be forged. 

    (or something like that.)

  24. Boah says:

    around 2000 in the pokemon stadium 2 my childhood’s best friend and i get a battle with legendaries and level 100 pokemons. i use my recently catched ho-oh and he used a caterpie level 100 (rental) i remember i saying:”i’m going to beat you ^^” then i use ho-oh sacred fire and it take around 1/3 of the life of the caterpie (my expresion was :o) then he use tackle and got a critical hit and do 1 HIT K.O. to my ho-oh XDD i remember to that he was laughting a lot of time and i get mad and restart the game XDD  

  25. JRank says:

    Playing my younger (female!!!) cousin in FR/LG. Her Blastoise was in the 80s and took my whole team down. I tried to convince her to trade it to me for the next couple of years after she put down the game. I never got my revenge :(

  26. Layell says:

    Playing two copies of yellow with my best friend in these giant tires on the schoolyard. We played so long and didn’t notice the school bell rang so we entered class a good 15 minutes later than everyone else.

  27. Werford says:

    I received Pokemon Red as a birthday present in 1998, and the following Christmas, my little brothers received their own versions. We also got a gift for all of us: a link cable. It wasn’t too long before we put the cable to good use, trading and battling whenever we could. My Charizard with Slash, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, and Fire Spin was my weapon of choice back then.

  28. Flash says:

    Battling with the link cable in my yellow version against my mates of my chess club. Old good times :’)

  29. Simon says:

    I remember having to buy 3 link cables in 2 weeks because my friends cat kept shredding them… I also remember schooling my friend with my bad ass charizard and using my gameboy printer to print pictures of my charizard, kyu!

  30. R Inanimate says:

    My first battle would probably have been something in 1999, but I have no real memory of who it was against or what happened in it. It was either facing against my brother while playing Stadium, or it was against a classmate, where the battle barely goes anywhere before the person I was facing just got bored of it and left.

    I would say that the first battle I can really remember anything about would be in 2002, facing against a person in GSC during a trip to New York, and visiting the Pokecenter. I can remember that the battle had me using a Smeargle, and trying to Destiny Bond the opponent’s Ho-oh, but he misses with Scared Fire. And that I probably won by using a Curselax.

    The first Pokemon battle that I can truly remember is in 2005. It was the Battle in Seattle, of course.

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