
Published on October 7th, 2013 | by Firestorm


Contest: Win a Copy of Pokémon X and Y

On October 12th, 2013, we will enter the sixth generation with the release of Pokémon X and Y. To celebrate we’d like to give away a copy of each game much like we did with the release of Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2. Like last time, we’ll be giving away one copy on our forums and another copy on Facebook and Twitter.

Forum Entry

Either in the thread for this article or in the comments field below, answer this question:

What is your earliest memory of a multiplayer Pokemon battle?

Our comments section and forums are linked so you only need to reply once on either location and it will automatically sync. Only your first post will count though you’re free to reply to other players to discuss your experiences! With Pokémon X and Y, Game Freak is drawing heavily from its rich history so we would love to hear more about yours! One entry will be randomly chosen from the thread and that player will win their choice of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.

Social Media Entry

The other copy of Pokémon X or Y will be given away on Facebook and Twitter. Enter both to increase your chance of winning!


Simply follow @nuggetbridge and retweet the following tweet to be entered into the draw.


Like Nugget Bridge and comment on our post below with an answer to the question: Where do you hope the 2015 Pokémon World Championships will be held?

Contest End

The contest will end at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 13th, 2013 in Pacific Daylight Time. One winner will be chosen randomly from all entries received in the comments thread for this article. Another winner will be chosen randomly from all entries received on either Facebook or Twitter. The winners will be contacted on Monday, October 14th, 2013 with a digital download code for the game.

About the Author

is one of the co-founders of Nugget Bridge and the Community Manager for eSports Tournament Platform Battlefy. He has been playing Pokémon since 1999, competitively since 2007, and attending tournaments since 2010. He lives in Vancouver, Canada with a degree in Interactive Art & Technology + Communications. You can follow him on Twitter at @rushanshekar.

161 Responses to Contest: Win a Copy of Pokémon X and Y

  1. Brandon says:

    It was the year 2006; I was standing in line to receive a Mew event from Toys R Us. Hours we waited till it was our chance to acquire this marvelous creature, and what better place to find a battle than in a line full of Pokémon players. I recall battling a trainer name Paul, who happened to bring his link cable for such an occasion. It was a 6v6 Single battle with no strings attached, which meant if we happened to have a legendary Pokémon on our team we could bring it. In the end it was my poisoned Meganium (A Pokémon whom was considered rare at the time since not many people owned Coliseum) vs. his low HP Rayquaza.  I used Synthesis till I couldn’t use it any longer while he fired off his Hyper Beam. Pity, I might have won the battle if I actually attacked earlier.
    Good times…

  2. I remember my dad bringing home a Game Boy link cable one day, completely unprompted, and me and my brother battling on Red and Blue. I had a level 100 Venusaur with Leech Seed, Solar Beam, Cut and Razor Leaf, and everything else around level 30, he had a bunch of things about level 70
    Pretty sure I won somehow.

  3. Lati says:

    I have a faint memory of me playing against my brother (not sure which year, can be anything from 2001-2003): I´d usually have my in-game team (obligatory team members: Typhlosion and the red Gyarados that nobody else had, of course xD) battling against his that usually featured Sudowoodo and Feraligatr.^^
    The ones I remember really clearly, though were the battles in late Elementary school (2004-2005 approximately): Two friends of mine, my brother and me would meet to organize something you could call “tournaments”, I guess? Anyways, we were pretty even since it always came down to our Kyogre (yeah, my bro´s Groudon didn´t have a good time), Rayquaza or the starter doing the most work for us since those usually were our Lv.100s. xD Ahh, the good old times where all you needed to win consistently was having as many Lv.100s as possible in the team. xD
    However, the game shifted in me and my bro´s favour with my Latias reaching Lv.100 and my bro finding Regice (which he leveled up surprisingly fast). After that, we dominated our little tournaments.^^ However, I´d lose in the finals 90% of the time since his Lv.100 Swampert, Thunder Regice and Rayquaza were the perfect answer to my Lv.100 Blaziken, Latias and Kyogre. ;_;  This also happened to be the first time that I got counter-teamed… ._.

  4. Fantom0 says:

    Ah, the good ol’ days…

    Well, my first link battle metagame was me constantly fearing a lv100 Empoleon with lv70s, so not much to say here…

    Then came the action replays, where me and ten others got all lv100s and had some actually decent matches.

    My most memorable match from that time was while FEAR Ratatta was all the rave (we were only 10 after all) and I decided to use Treecko instead (cuz boss). In order to combat it, my friend put Whirlpool on Empoleon. During the anticipated showdown between the penguin and the gecko, Whirlpool missed and Endeavour brought Goliath to 12 HP – only to be knocked out by the Hail he himself had set up. Question as you will, but that moment was gold.

  5. Griffinbane says:

    Me vs my brother via Pokemon Stadium. The both of us would always use the fastest and strongest Pokemon in battle so our teams would often look very similar with only a few differences (he used to like using Electrode while I hated the thing). At the end of the battle, it was Mewtwo vs Mewtwo. Mine was a reddish pink color due to its nickname and how the game likes to color nicknamed stuff. Both of our Mewtwo were about the same in special. However, his Mewtwo had over 400 HP while mine was just above 390. His Mewtwo was also a smidge faster than mine. End result: a loss for me and hearing his big mouth for a week. On the other hand, I was the one who was able to beat Round 2 Mewtwo. HAH!

  6. dtrain says:

    My first actual battle was back in elementary on Red Version. There was a small group of us that would play during recess. We would all take advantage of the missingno glitch and candy our teams to 100 and give our Pokemon STAB moves and nothing else. Now those were real battles!

  7. Eiganjo says:

    My first Multiplayer battle was vs my brother who owned the Blue (the same one that got signed this year) and I had Red (from Hawaii :D). Link Cable goodness, I think I beat him everytime, mostly because he had farfetch’d on his team, and I used the missigno stuff to get everything to level 100 quicker :D. Other then that most people didnt play in my neighbourhood so it was usually me vs my brother :D

  8. It’s so long ago that it’s hard to remember, but it was probably with my brother/cousins, since we all grew up playing Pokemon Red/Blue together. Most likely we had teams of legendaries and Dragonite because they seemed really powerful, and I was probably using a Gengar as well. 

  9. finally says:

    Playin stadium campaign with my mom
    And the after that, pokemon puzzle league
    The latter was the best :]]

  10. josetron says:

    game boy color link cable battle vs my schoolmate from Peru he uses raikou and tyranitar and i used suicune and snorlax it was a single match but we used those pokes

  11. Raghav says:

    My first multiplayer battle was when my cousin and I battled it out in FireRed and Leafgreen.

  12. Ben7000 says:

    I don’t think I ever used the link cables for battling, just trading. I think my first multiplayer battle must have been with my friends in the secret bases (Not sure if gen 4 had them, but I think they did) on the DS.

  13. Mittens says:

    I remember the day as if it were many years ago. My buddy and I were hanging out in his basement watching movies and talking about girls. That is pretty much what we did back in those days, besides play Pokemon. I was excited because I finally got a link cable for my Gameboy Color, and I wanted to test out my thought-to-be invincible Pokemon team. I was nagging him for days about doing a battle and he finally agreed. I was even more excited because I had a dirty little trick up my sleeve. A dirty, dirty little trick. Maniacal laugh. The match would have been fairly even, if I was not sacrificing my Pokemon for my end game like some political tyrant or bloodthirsty demigod. I watched as one by one my Pokemon went down. I could see my friend’s confidence blooming and the sparkle in his eye. Unfortunately for him, he did not see the malice in my eyes or the evil smirk on my face. The time had come. I let loose my dirty trick. My character threw the Pokeball and in a swirl of magic, mystery, and sin, came forth my level 100 Eevee. A look of shock was drawn on my opponents face. A look of evil joy across mine. A string of obscenities and verbal threats left my once friend’s mouth. A symphony of angels and lovers. One by one, his Pokemon fell by the bloody edges of my Eevee’s Swift attacks. Literally, Swift attacks. My cackle could be heard for miles. As my friend wept, my Eevee slowly walked away from the bloodbath. It’s fur soaked in crimson and victory. I could envision the slow motion explosion in the background. That, my friends, is my Pokemon battle story.

  14. AP Frank says:

    Back in the R/B days (Pre-yellow!) I remember playing at Pokémon League, getting stamps in the original badge books for our battles. I remember some pretty ridiculous cheese with Ratticate (Hyper Fang OP!) as well as a lot of Snorlax/Gengar/Starmie with BoltBeam. Mad props to all of those kids out there who I played with – I only kept in touch with two, and one of them decided to eventually pass his DS on to a younger child, which was a bittersweet and touching thing to see.

  15. Lupin says:

    Was in the R/B days, was thirteen years ago, i had pokemon red and playing with a friend of the tennis club, through the transfer pack in pokemon stadium (never had link cable), my team was: snorlax, Nidoking, dragonite, arcanine, taurus(horn drill) and zapdos , for some reason all we played, had the red version, I guess we all liked charizard.

  16. DaWoblefet says:

    My first link battle was against a friend at my school during the days of FireRed. I had powerful Pokemon on my side like Tyranitar, Dragonite, and Snorlax that I had beat the Elite Four numerous times to acquire, but he had a GameShark and used it to get legendaries I had never seen at level 100 instantly. However, the moves were what they would have been for level 100s, so that Jirachi wasn’t as threatening knowing only Doom Desire as its attacking move 😀 I was so proud to beat him. It made me feel like a true Pokemon trainer that I was able to overcome all those unseen legendaries with my well-trained level 100s. Ah, those were the days…

  17. Rukario says:

    My earliest memory of a multiplayer battle had to have been in around the 4th grade. I had my Pokemon Silver and my friend had Crystal, or one of the other two. He had the cable to connect the two Gameboys and it was definitely one of the best Pokemon experiences ever! :D 

  18. EveonIce says:

    My earliest memory came somewhere near the release of Black and White, I had just aquired Wi-fi near the end of the Victini Giveaway and I wanted to battle over the internet, I got my 6 strongest Pokemon that I could enter in a battle, they were a level 100 Samurott, level 100 Volcarona, level 76 Virizion and I can’t really remember the rest, but I lost horribly :I

  19. iss says:

    Actually Shoddy back in 2009 or so. I had played FireRed, Emerald, and Pearl by then, but for various reasons never actually battled anyone. Definitely thrilling to use Pokemon and strategies that I never had seen before, and it was where I first picked up Little Cup.

  20. GTFAN says:

    I remember facing my friend who had played forever with a terrible Heartgold team and proceeding to win using guillotine from a Kingler on his Gyarados.

  21. Picollo says:

    Well i want to be more accurate and tell about my first real competetive Battle online which happened at 23.05.2002 on #gsbot and of course i did win this.

  22. Dracoeye says:

    I started with the Gameboy Color! Unfortunately, my primary school back then only allowed Gameboys in special occasions so I didn’t battle a lot. However, I remember trading with a good friend in order to get a Machamp and Gengar and then battle!
    Since those old days, Pokemon never left my life. I have all the games, I have (almost…) all the cards.  (I play both competitively)

  23. Derek says:

    My earliest memories are way back from the Game Boy Color days… I remember battling with a good friend of mine… One memory I have I’m pretty sure is from Red/Blue – I remember two battles we had one day, one where I used my best pokemon and another where I used pokemon over level 100 from the missingno/cinnabar island glitch. And then I have another memory of us battling in Gold/Silver; I remember using Sunny Day and Thunderpunch with Typhlosion against a Blastoise.

  24. tlyee61 says:

    2003 – played with my twin neighbors who are still into VGC today and hope to compete at NorCal next weekend! :D

  25. Zog says:

    2 kids playing red version at the bottom of the playground, having a showdown of whose charizard was the better charizard. one kid’s fire blast missed so he unplugged the link cable and ran away crying.
    Grimer was pretty cash

  26. I think my first battle with another person started around early-2008 with my brother, using our In-Game teams. I managed to win 3-0.
    It’s really too bad I didn’t get into Pokemon earlier…

  27. RastaCharmander says:

    Me and my bes friend were 7 years old, and were having a huge arguement whether his Blaziken or my Charizard was better, so I said “Let’s just battle then!” And of course my Charizatd rose to the occasion and defeated Blaziken.

  28. Scott says:

    I’m not allowed to contest, but since I’m bored in this lecture anyway, in case anyone is reading this thread…

    First battle was definitely on the playground at recess shorlty after RB came out in the US when I was in I think 4th grade. It was before we’d found the Missigno glitch so there were large level disparities. My opponent went to the day care before the battle “to pick up his super strong Gyarados :evil 4th grade anime villain laugh irl:”, who was like level 60 but obviously still a Magikarp. I won with my balanced team of Venusaur/Mewtwo/Alakazam/Muk/Weezing/Dragonite, apparently understanding that Psychic was good but not that Psychic was good against Poison.

    First organized battle was at one of those Toys R Us leagues after Yellow came out, which was unfortunately full of l255 Pokemon, though my strategy of “switching” led me to victory. First online battle was late in GSC on Netbattle, though I quickly shifted to the bots to find my home among fellow elitist jerks.

  29. Aoam Bojail says:

    My first battle ever was against Roy on NetBattle back in… 2005? 2006? I think 2006. I had about 20 spectators because it was such a big deal for me to be battling, and I had a few people feeding me tips. I ended up almost winning the randbat and narrowly lost 2-0.

  30. Aoam Bojail says:

    My first battle ever was against Roy on NetBattle back in… 2005? 2006? I think 2006. I had about 20 spectators because it was such a big deal for me to be battling, and I had a few people feeding me tips. I ended up almost winning the randbat and narrowly lost 2-0.

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