
Published on October 7th, 2013 | by Firestorm


Contest: Win a Copy of Pokémon X and Y

On October 12th, 2013, we will enter the sixth generation with the release of Pokémon X and Y. To celebrate we’d like to give away a copy of each game much like we did with the release of Pokémon Black Version 2 and White Version 2. Like last time, we’ll be giving away one copy on our forums and another copy on Facebook and Twitter.

Forum Entry

Either in the thread for this article or in the comments field below, answer this question:

What is your earliest memory of a multiplayer Pokemon battle?

Our comments section and forums are linked so you only need to reply once on either location and it will automatically sync. Only your first post will count though you’re free to reply to other players to discuss your experiences! With Pokémon X and Y, Game Freak is drawing heavily from its rich history so we would love to hear more about yours! One entry will be randomly chosen from the thread and that player will win their choice of Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.

Social Media Entry

The other copy of Pokémon X or Y will be given away on Facebook and Twitter. Enter both to increase your chance of winning!


Simply follow @nuggetbridge and retweet the following tweet to be entered into the draw.


Like Nugget Bridge and comment on our post below with an answer to the question: Where do you hope the 2015 Pokémon World Championships will be held?

Contest End

The contest will end at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 13th, 2013 in Pacific Daylight Time. One winner will be chosen randomly from all entries received in the comments thread for this article. Another winner will be chosen randomly from all entries received on either Facebook or Twitter. The winners will be contacted on Monday, October 14th, 2013 with a digital download code for the game.

About the Author

is one of the co-founders of Nugget Bridge and the Community Manager for eSports Tournament Platform Battlefy. He has been playing Pokémon since 1999, competitively since 2007, and attending tournaments since 2010. He lives in Vancouver, Canada with a degree in Interactive Art & Technology + Communications. You can follow him on Twitter at @rushanshekar.

161 Responses to Contest: Win a Copy of Pokémon X and Y

  1. Chilebowl says:

    I remember having my first battle during the second grade right after Ruby and Sapphire came out.  I distinctly remember being the only kid in my class with Ruby version because when I said Team Magma were the bad guys I was ostracized by my classmates; boy were those some good times.  Nevertheless, a lot of battling went down on the playground and it was tons of fun! Too bad Groudon always got destroyed by everyone’s Kyogre =/  

  2. zXvindictiveXz says:

    i remember back in 2006 i had pearl and my friend had diamond, he would use his dragonite with thunderbolt flamethrower ice beam and wing attack. it would always sweep my team until i discoverd that tyranitars rock slide could actualy hit pokemon that fly. i did not play competitively back than.

    i thought electric was not effecttive on rock types. -_-

  3. I remember my first battle against my cousin at my house at Christmas it was during Fire Red with those wireless adapter things

  4. poggit says:

    My earliest memory was around the time of FR/LG. None of my friends played so I turned online and found out you could play on an IRC simulator! I had no idea what I was doing but knew I wanted to win with Espeon and kept trying to make it work. That was fun for a while, then Netbattle came out 🙂 Ever since then, I’ve been playing pokemon competitively.

  5. Blaze King7 says:

    Back in the late 90’s. I remember using a link cable to battle with my brother. We played through the games (Yellow and Red) at the same time and battled each other frequently acting like rivals. Some of the best memories of my childhood <3. To this day we still battle and neither of us are willing to admit the other is better.

  6. Toazdt says:

    Emerald in 2006 or something, got consistantly beaten by a friend who knew the cloning glitch.

  7. Moschuss says:

    Around 1999 with my Blue one, against a schoolfriend, 5 time Pikachu wasn’t as strong as i though :D

  8. Bobby says:

    I remember it like if it was yesterday, it was exactly after like a month of the release of diamond in italy.
    Me and my friend finished it pretty much at the same time and he challenged me at school in front of everyone, so we played I had a level 100 infernape and random pokemons at like 70-80 lvl, obviously I didn’t know anything about evs/ivs,special/physical moves… and the guy had a team that was exactly groudon rayquaza palkia dialga torterra and infernape… they were all at lvl 100 and were cheated with action replay so stats 999, at this point battle starts and I get beaten pretty easy just by groudon.
    At this point I’m very mad at myself for being such a loser( lost 6-0 and didn’t even touch his groudon) so I got into competitive pokemon on italian communities, and spent here a lot of time literally whole afternoons and so on, to the point where I got so caught with the game that I completely forgot about him, I started winning tournaments considered important and hit ladder of 1600 a few times on po and 1500 on the old smogon, while on ps I hit 2200, so a few years later(we got into different schools and we met again in high school) he challenged me and was like “hahaha if you want I can use only one pokemon, no problem” so I thinked a bit about what to use and came up with dolphan and made a set similar to the famous aron one, it was endevoar ice shard stealth rock eq with the item “conchinella” I forgot how it’s called in english that basically makes you get hp when you hit.
    First battle it’s my donphan against his groudon(we both use one pokemon) and I knock it out pretty easily in 2 turns, he is like very surprised and he thought that I had a cheated pokemon.
    Second battle I basically ko his whole uber team with donphan, he compliments me about my unbeatable strategy and it was when I realized how far I’ve got since I started this wonderful game.

  9. VibeZ says:

    Hmm, first battles had to be with my cousins at their house. Started battling them when the wireless adapters were out (Fire Red and Leaf Green), other than that used the link cables to trade before then. The struggle was real, but we have came a long way.

  10. Pokemon Stadium will always have me filled with so much memories even til today as I still play on my N64

  11. Magnisu says:

    My earliest memory must be a particular weekend, where 3 friends and I constantly played either Stadium 1v1 or Gold vs Silver against each other. We eventually made it a tournament with 4 other friends joining us! It is one of the brightest memories from my childhood. 🙂

  12. The Wolf says:

    I would say back in early 2000s when I wanted to help out my friend for a battle against another friend. During recess, she loaned me her Red cart and everything else was set up. My opponent/friend had a level 89 Charizard while I had her level 76ish Charizard. Obviously, I knew I was already in a bad position due to the level differences. As my Charizard was about to faint from one more attack, I didn’t give up hope yet. All of the sudden, his Charizard kept missing its move each turn for like three turns or so in a row. I think it was Slash. And, I managed to ko his Charizard and swept the rest of his underleveled team and won. That was pretty awesome considering the position I was in. I realize now there’s a 1/256 chance for a move to miss, but still it was awesome.

  13. Dozz says:

    Mine was around the time of RBY, I had Blue, my Brother had Red. We were sat watching our Uncle cut down a tree with the supervision of our Dad. Not only did the tree almost fall on the pair of them, but my brother almost walled me with a Snorlax nicknamed Laxative.I can’t say it was a particularly skillful fight, bit it’s the first one I remember.

  14. Tokyotoots says:

    I remember when I was little, my brother and i would play with each other on our gameboy colors, using what ever pokemon looked cool too us, I had a blastoise, mewtwo, nidoking, and three others that I don’t quite remember, but i think one of them was Tauros, and he used venusaur, kangaskahn and 4 more i don’t remember.

  15. bcaralarm says:

    My first multiplayer battle would be a battle I had against a friend in school: my ingame Sapphire team verses his. I lost.

  16. pokebro1000 says:

    Im Entering, i cant wait until Pokemon X and Y. Gonna be the best game ever!!!!!!!!! hope i some how win, dought it though. I remember battling my brother first with diamond and pearl. #BaileygoodStuffs
    :D  :D  :)  :)  :o  :o

  17. Reeseesee says:

    My first battle against a friend that I can remember was sitting on the side walk with pokemon Yellow and my pikachu with 4 electric moves going up against his charizard… And dying horribly. I also know I had Primape. I used primape throughout every play through since my very first time. No better way to defeat brock.

  18. PBB says:

    My very first battle? Well, I have to go quite a long ways back. :rolleyes:  It was a few weeks after Red/Blue had been released(I think, my memory of the exact date is understandably fuzzy); I was the newly minted Pokemon League Champion and there was nobody that could stop me. I was on top of my game, not a care in the world. I was the best there was. Fire Blast and Fly were the most powerful moves I had ever used; they dispatched Mr. Snoot’s Exeggutor with relative ease. The emotions were powerful, the feelings unrestrained. I had defeated, nay dispatched, Mr. Snoot, and as Prof. Oak entered my information into the sacred hall of previous Pokemon League champions, I knew that there was nobody more powerful a trainer than I. Emotions welled up inside me. As the credits rolled, I knew that Flamer my trusty Charizard and my Master Ball-caught Moltres were unstoppable.
    One day after school, one of the kids on my alley approached me. His name was Justin. I hated Justin. He was bigger than I was, had wavy blonde hair, and always picked on me and my sister. As I sat on the curb playing my Red version on my original GameBoy, he walked up to me and started laughing manically. I looked up at him and he said with an evil grin “You’re playing Red version? You must suck, since Blue version is the better version. You Idiot.” I was hurt; I didn’t even say anything to him and he lambasted me. At first, I thought about shouting back at him “WELL YOU’RE FAT YOU FATTY” and running away, but in my heart I knew that it would do no good. Anger and pride swelled up inside me. Was I going to let this punk roll all over me? Was I just going to take it and let him verbally punch me without retribution? He was acting just like my rival Mr. Snoot whom I had just defeated handily. What else could I do? I only had one choice:
    With gusto I shouted “I CHALLENGE YOU TO A POKEMON BATTLE!!!!!!!!!” as loud as I possibly could.
    He took a step back for a brief moment. Had he ever been challenged like that? I will probably never know. After a brief pause, he whipped out his GameBoy and Blue version catridge and said “You’re on. I’ll poop on your mom’s face.” Ignoring the asinine comment, I ran inside to get my link cable and he was still there when I returned. We linked up and I made sure that my team was fully healed and it received Nurse Joy’s approval. I also emptied my wallet at the PokeMart, buying Hyper Potions, Paralyz Heals, and Revives, thinking that I could use items in the PokeCenter battles and thus outlast my villainous opponent (which I found out later, was wildly incorrect). As we entered the Colosseum, I looked up at him with a determined look on my face; he just smirked back at me and motivated me all the more to beat him(after all, I was the Pokemon League Champion; I am the best!)
    Well I don’t remember much of the actual battle’s details, other than that he saved his Venusaur for last against my Moltres (Flamer, my ever faithful Charizard had fallen in battle). It was down to these two pokemon; I had one Fire Blast PP remaining and his Venusaur had used Razor Leaf before at some point. Thinking that Flying was weak to grass (as opposed to the other way around), I clicked Fire Blast and closed my eyes, fearing the worst. I hear a “oh my God……” and crack open my eyes. Moltres had done it! It had KOed that Venusaur and I was the victor! I shouted in amazement and couldn’t believe it. Before the battle has officially finished, he rips out the link cable(almost pulling my GameBoy out of my hands) and mutters “whatever….” and quickly walks away. Needless to say, he never said anything to me again. I had protected my crown as Pokemon League champion, and I was truly the best. My Pokemon and I had overcome all challenges and defeated the real life rival instead of merely an in-game one. I had an incredibly strong bond with my Pokemon and nothing could take that away from me. (I still have that original save file on my Red version, the battery is still hanging in there!)
    So there you have it folks, my very first Pokemon battle ever.

  19. MrFox says:

    Since there’s still time…
    My earliest memory of a multiplayer Pokemon battle was actually a Gamecube match with Pokemon Colosseum and Leafgreen.  I had been the one kid in my circle of friends for a while who got a gamecube instead of a GBA, and Pokemon Colosseum was my first exposure to the series.  About a year later I got Leafgreen and after I played through it I bought a GC/GBA link cable on Ebay and convinced my sister to battle me.  My Leafgreen team was a lot better than the Colosseum team she was using, and so I won pretty easily.
    As far as tournament battles go, the Newark regional in 2010 was my first big exposure there.  I can’t remember my exact team, but I remember it was all un-eved and I had to battle the kid I had just made friends with round 1 in line.  I won and then I lost round 2 to a little Asian kid with a Jolteon and Mewtwo both spamming thunderbolt.  It was enough to get me into VGC though, and coming back to win that regional the next year was something I’ll always remember from VGC!

  20. Stormfront says:

    My first mutiplayer battle isn’t nearly as old as several of these entries.

    My first competitive (and multiplayer) battle that I can remember was in mid-2010. I had found some pokemon forums, and I ended up battling somebody over wi-fi to Singles Ubers. I recall losing either 4-0 or 5-0 as none of my pokemon had good natures and IVs. (They did have EVs though)

  21. Amarillo says:

    I don’t have an epic story like PBB’s and I don’t necessarily even remember my first Multiplayer Battle. I do remember it must have been on the playground at recess when I was 6 years old. This would have been Pokemon Red version in 1998 of course. I remember I was always better than my friends because I figured out the concept of switching out to get a type advantage, something my friends never figured out ;P

  22. Safro Amurai says:

    About a year after ruby was released, I had only just gotten the game. My best friend, who had been playing it for a year already, crushed my team with his team consisting of only level hundreds. So yeah, wasn´t too fun^^

  23. My first multiplayer battle was with my brother between our in game teams. Unfortunately for me he had taught this blastoise blizzard so my venusaur was no match (I probably didn’t have any other high level pokemon).

  24. Cypher says:

    Pokemon Stadium, N64 and the rental mons. Those were the best, especially since you can use any pokemon from the original 151 pokedex. My friend and I would always get Beedrill, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Dragonite, Zapdos, and one different pokemon. What a fun time, and one of the reasons why I love rental pokemon and the battle factory.

  25. OhmicFoamy says:

    It was on LeafGreen, I don’t remember who it was but I remember that the wireless thing took ages to set up because mine was broken.

  26. emforbes says:

    Diamond and Pearl, me and my friend playing all the time

  27. kimchibanana says:

    I played red vs blue at a party for the end of the baseball season with one of my teammates.

  28. fluffyball63 says:

    My earliest memory of a multiplayer Pokemon battle would have to be against my big brother awhile ago. I just had finished playing, Pokemon the Platinum version, and my big brother had the Pokemon Diamond game a long while ago, because he gave me the Platinum version for my birthday in May, but I remember finishing the game in like 10 days! lol So, since I leveled up my team, and my big brother had his pokemon team up to level 100, he decided we should have like a “family battle” he called it. So then, as we battled, I chose my Infernape, and he chose his Empoleon. I kept using “hyper potion” a LOT on my Infernape, since my big brother chose really damaging moves! But in the end, he won, because he had better experience then me, and since the Platinum version was the first game I had ever played in the Pokemon series, but I wasn’t complaining about it, I was actually kind of glad, since I thought that, I needed to practice more to get better! 🙂 Since then, we would have multiplayer battles from time to time, so it’s all cool.

  29. KiwiDawg says:

    My first battle ever was on the N64, Pokemon Stadium for the win. I had Zapdos and Charmeleon (I swear it was stronger than Charizard) and some other random mons and they were great. However, I still liked the mini games more back then… and maybe still now… cough cough.
    With the actual main series, it was on Sapphire vs. a friend from school, and my Lvl 99 Sceptile swept hard. That, and my Mightyena had Swagger before it was GOD. Gee Gee No Re.

  30. Mosquito says:

    Ahhh, my first multiplayer battle must have been in 2005, with the release of Emerald. It probably involved my Emerald main team of Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquza/Blaziken/Swampert/Sceptile. Back then I have no clue whatsoever what weather did, so I felt my three legendaries would always do nice work. Turns out you can’t win battles using only Sheer Cold/Fissure :(

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