
Published on October 14th, 2013 | by Firestorm


Results and Top Cut Battle Videos from the VGC ’14 NorCal Regional

The first regional of the 2014 season is finished and we had quite the tournament! After two years, we’ve finally got a regional that didn’t have any competing events running on the same weekend. As a result, we had a fairly large out-of-state contingent attending. Nevertheless, Pleasanton continued the state’s tradition of having a Californian win the event — this year it was even in all divisions!



  1. Thomas Mifflin (PBB)
  2. Omari Travis (BadIntent)
  3. Paul Hornak (makiri)
  4. Mike Suleski (OmegaDonut)
  5. April Hooge (Phenac)
  6. Shreyas Chanchi Radhakrishna (Shreyas)
  7. Matt Souerby (matt)
  8. Sam Johnson (RastaCharmander)

Top 33 after swiss


  1. Daniel C. (KermitTheFrog14)
  2. George L. (KobraTail)
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?

Top 41 after swiss


  1. Maylee H. (maykiri)
  2. Theo Y.
  3. Samuel M.
  4. Jacob M.

Battle Videos

We had a direct video livestream of the top cut as well that we have archived for you below:

Hope everyone is enjoying the game and hope to see many people out at the Arizona Regional Championships next weekend!

About the Author

is one of the co-founders of Nugget Bridge and the Community Manager for eSports Tournament Platform Battlefy. He has been playing Pokémon since 1999, competitively since 2007, and attending tournaments since 2010. He lives in Vancouver, Canada with a degree in Interactive Art & Technology + Communications. You can follow him on Twitter at @rushanshekar.

12 Responses to Results and Top Cut Battle Videos from the VGC ’14 NorCal Regional

  1. araluen7 says:

    Might want to check the first video posted. Kinda screws up in the beginning by zooming way in on the top left corner of the screen. Watching the other 2 now, but so far don’t notice anything else bad

  2. Firestorm says:

    Due to technical issues that happened and then the last game of OmegaDonut vs PBB was unavailable. Everything else is fine.

  3. Javier8899e says:

    I was in 49th spot

  4. tlyee61 says:

    I was third and Jennifer C. (No NB account) placed fourth.

  5. Braverius says:

    Reflecting a bit: everyone I played pretty much ended up finishing almost the same in correlation with how our battle ended up. PBB beat me handily and Matt played a really stellar game despite a little bit of a tough matchup, PM649 and I had the closest battle I’ve ever had in Swiss rounds, and I think Shawn had a pretty balanced matchup but simply overpredicted on a couple pivotal turns, and Jerico had a lopsided matchup but carried a solid team that you’d expect to see go positive. 
    Also, noteworthy:
    Record before Paul played Invaders Must Die: 5-0
    Record after Paul played Invaders Must Die: 0-2   >>Both losses to Californians 
    Conclusion: Mission accomplished, Mr. Hornak.

  6. makiri says:

    And it totally worked Top 8 was all CA (Canada can count as CA for now). Maybe everyone will realize the West Coast Regionals aren’t full of pushovers! We defend our territory. 
    Regardless it was great seeing a lot of the out of towners for the social aspect. Big props to everyone who came and played, and one of the more memorable top 4 results in a long time. Congrats to my sister as well, she lost her first game of the day due to a crit then won out, didn’t even lose a game in top cut. Could’ve let the luck and early loss affect her but she played it out and proved you could win it all even with such an early bump in the road.

  7. I would like to point put that beers of the world across from the playing area did not open up at all during the tournament. Talk about a home field advantage, the 21+ year old players from out of town had to play the entire tournament sober. Also, the tournament started on time AND there was a lunch break. I didn’t even have enough time to get my normal 3 hour post sign-in warmup. This lunch break thing also caused the east coast players to lose focus.

    These results are bogus, I would like to see a west coast player win under normal conditions, when the tournament starts 3 hours late and no lunch break.

  8. Kyle says:

    Friken 9th place… I know I can do better. 🙂 That was just my first tourney in masters.

  9. kingofmars says:

    Can someone explain to me how my resistance ended up the way it did?
    I played Lane Tower (5-2), Zach Feldman (4-3), Tyler Ninomura (1-2 drop), PrettyLittleWonderLiar (5-2), Aaron Zheng (5-2) Kyle Loh (5-2) and Shawn Tang (4-3)
    This should make my resistance 29/45, which would be 64.4% and good for a repeat of 9th place, however it has me at 60.88 for some reason. Anyone have any bright ideas?

  10. Javier8899e says:

    I’m in masters division I was 49th place

  11. Javier8899e says:

    (4-3) Javier Echavarria I was getting an come back

  12. Can someone explain to me how my resistance ended up the way it did?
    I played Lane Tower (5-2), Zach Feldman (4-3), Tyler Ninomura (1-2 drop), PrettyLittleWonderLiar (5-2), Aaron Zheng (5-2) Kyle Loh (5-2) and Shawn Tang (4-3)
    This should make my resistance 29/45, which would be 64.4% and good for a repeat of 9th place, however it has me at 60.88 for some reason. Anyone have any bright ideas?


    Or maybe you just don’t know how to average all your opponents win percentages together.

    Side note: I still think they did the math wrong but you would have gotten the same place

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