
Published on May 3rd, 2013 | by Firestorm


Pokémon 2013 Korean National Championships

The 2013 Korean National Championships will take place this weekend with the Trading Card Game event on Saturday and Video Game Championships on Sunday. Unlike the European and North American events, the VGC ’13 Korean National Championship is an invite-only event featuring 64 players. 44 players were selected from the three International Challenges that were held over the Nintendo WiFi Connection this year and the final 20 will be selected through a special Last Chance Qualifier this weekend. Those who do not have an invite to the National Championships will be asked to play battles from 9AM to Noon with the 20 people with the most wins moving onto the main event on Sunday.

Like last year, only the champion of each division will receive and invitation and trip to play in the 2013 Pokémon World Championships in Vancouver. The following are the Masters Division qualifiers so far:

Qualifiers from January

  1. antonio6 (세준)
  2. GuZe (구제)
  3. cjfghks0987 (춘자)
  4. DYJeon (윤)
  5. dangli (유림)
  6. Gintoky (생수)
  7. gomu05 (네로♪)
  8. darkasha (아샤)
  9. JoyTemplar (조이템플러)
  10. thduddnjs (지훈)

 Qualifiers from March

  1. yeongle (영글)
  3. SolarcC (철옹)
  4. ISSUE (이슈)
  5. MegurineLuka (명희)
  6. Wanimaru (크렐)
  7. poduckhoo (신정훈)
  8. SillyBOY (이도)
  9. BeebishRochet (로셰)
  10. LazyEvil (칸라)
  11. dhy1102 (빈)
  12. jaehyunconan (윤하)
  13. PION (메이)
  14. 0GyG0 (영국)*

Qualifiers from April

  1. Touka392 (광채)
  2. smash0 (신젠2)
  3. JayDella408 (현수)
  4. chasle (
  5. Sorikun (소리꾼)
  6. yjh5497w (모반)
  7. jinw5767 (지누)
  8. cliveelric (맛데이치킨)
  9. Blackkey (사토링)
  10. PlayPoke (Mei)
  11. Engineering (로니)
  12. heogunh (플럼)
  13. bny4011 (NGR)
  14. SECRETJH (시크릿)
  15. Esseriana (수현)*
  16. BestOne (귀찮겟)*
  17. lettlewoong (김궁이)*
  18. RealWILD (W)*
  19. Juken (가가)*
  20. DuggukMan (리리)*

For those who have watched our USA vs Korea and other International Challenges, you’ll be pleased to find out that all members of Team Korea did qualify for Nationals aside from Swan who was too busy to take part in the WiFi tournaments. Thank you to Aaron Z. (Cybertron), Wonseok J, psmpsm10, and sinich77 for their help with all this information.

*These numbers assume that invites were passed down. If not, #14 from March and #15 – 20 in April are not qualified for Nationals.

About the Author

is one of the co-founders of Nugget Bridge and the Community Manager for eSports Tournament Platform Battlefy. He has been playing Pokémon since 1999, competitively since 2007, and attending tournaments since 2010. He lives in Vancouver, Canada with a degree in Interactive Art & Technology + Communications. You can follow him on Twitter at @rushanshekar.

35 Responses to Pokémon 2013 Korean National Championships

  1. LudiImpact says:

    I believe that is the in game medal collecting thing…. Someone correct me if I am wrong, because I most likely am lol
    Edit: TRE beat me to it :(

  2. KiwiDawg says:

    Yay my fellow Koreans  :lol:

  3. LudiImpact says:

    No idea on names. Based off FB pictures though looks like there actually was a Seniors Division this year (unlike past years where Seniors/Masters was combined) so there will be three Korean players at Vancouver, one for each division. 

    Yup, the seniors winner Alice (a boy) used Hitmontop/Cresselia/Thundurus/Tornadus/Tyranitar/Garchomp

  4. Firestorm says:

    Do Heun Kwon was the Junior winner according to what Huy said last night.

  5. NidoRich says:

    I am glad to see that Sejun won the qualifier and is going to worlds again, greatly deserved but as we know luck is our greatest foe at times. So I’m even happier that he managed to avoid anything that would cost him what he deserves.
    The best players need to make it to worlds to make it the best world championship ever :D

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